휴대전화 사용이 금지된 미국의 교도소에서 SBF는 어떻게 트위터를 업데이트할까?

LinkedIn SlideShare



SlideShare is an online community that allows users to upload and share PowerPoint presentations, documents, and infographics.

  • 1 - 10


Communities,File Sharing,Information Technology
Founded date
Oct 4, 2005
Number Of Employee
1 - 10
Operating Status

SlideShare is an online community that allows users to upload and share PowerPoint presentations, documents, and infographics. It also provides users the ability to rate, comment on, and share the uploaded content. It's been almost 16 Years we are giving you services for making your presentations. Now we have planned to give you service in field of educational helping material. For this purpose we have collaborated with certkillers Dubai Expo 2022 and soon we will add education section in our website in collaboration with certkillers.net. You can also find educational helping material on [Certkillers.net](https://www.certkillers.net)