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investment firm


Bellwether is a domestic equity fund in India managed by Caspian.


Finance,Financial Services
Operating Status
Also Known As
Bellwether Microfinance Fund
Investor Type

Bellwether is a domestic equity fund in India dedicated to providing equity and debt to start up and early stage microfinance institutions in India. It was set up to be a market builder with the single minded focus of catalyzing Microfinance in India at a time when there were fewer than 5 investable entities of very small scale in the sector.

The Fund incubated several start ups in geographically diverse and un/underserved locations – they made 6 start-up investments, 5 Series A investments and 1 Series B investment. The Fund was an early investor in some of today’s market leaders in microfinance. They worked with collaborators – other investors, banks, rating agencies, technical assistance providers, government and regulators – to develop a supportive ecosystem.


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Bellwether has made 4 investments. Their most recent investment was on Jan 11, 2016, when Jana Small Finance Bank raised ₹3.30B.
Date Company Name
Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Series Unknown ₹3.30B Finance
Series Unknown ₹45M Agriculture
Nov 1, 2008 Trident Microfin
Series Unknown ₹185M Finance
Jan 1, 2008 Trident Microfin
Series Unknown ₹18.10M Finance Yes