


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Blockchers has made 10 investments. Their most recent investment was on Aug 1, 2020, when DEIP, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Aug 1, 2020 DEIP Grant Blockchain
May 15, 2020 Blocksquare Grant B2B Yes
Feb 2, 2020 Volvero Seed Apps
Oct 15, 2019 Pact Care Grant Blockchain
Oct 15, 2019 Validated ID Grant Blockchain
Oct 15, 2019 BrikkApp Grant B2B
Oct 15, 2019 Trace Labs Grant Blockchain
Oct 15, 2019 ChainGO Tech Grant Blockchain
Sep 1, 2019 Staxe Grant Blockchain
Jul 15, 2018 Mimirium Angel Big Data