
investment firm


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Epirus has made 9 investments. Their most recent investment was on Nov 17, 2022, when DroneShield, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Nov 17, 2022 DroneShield Post-IPO Equity Drones Yes
Sep 30, 2021 Zero Hash Series C Blockchain
Aug 20, 2020 Rad AI Seed Artificial Intelligence
May 1, 2019 Golden Seed Artificial Intelligence
Mar 18, 2019 Pronto Seed Apps
Oct 1, 2018 Fazz Series A Banking
May 1, 2017 Fibo Seed Computer
Apr 10, 2017 DocTalk Seed Apps
Aug 31, 2016 Iris Automation Seed Computer Vision