Peter Benhur O. Nyeko



Peter BenHur Nyeko is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Mandulis Energy, a cleantech startup and social enterprise focused on delivering affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to drive economic development in urban and rural communities. Mandulis leads the development of Earth Energy, which will be Africa’s largest grid-tied biomass gasification power plant, as well as the off-grid REPARLE Project, using renewable energy to power agriculture and enhance the livelihoods of thousands of rural smallholder farmers in Uganda.

Peter has founded other businesses in Uganda, and has worked in renewable energy finance, education, transport and logistics. He has an MEng in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bristol.


Number of Current Jobs
Peter Benhur O. Nyeko has 1 current jobs including Fellow at Laudato Si' Challenge , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Laudato Si' Challenge Fellow Jun 1, 2017 Detail