휴대전화 사용이 금지된 미국의 교도소에서 SBF는 어떻게 트위터를 업데이트할까?

Anthony Lee

Investment Partner


Investor Type
Investment Partner

Anthony Lee is a Managing Director of Altos Ventures.

Before joining Altos Ventures, Anthony led marketing efforts for three start-up companies including Evolve Software (Nasdaq: EVLV, later acquired by Oracle). Anthony began his career as a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Company and has published a national magazine.

Anthony serves as Chairman of TechSoup Global, the world's largest non-profit distributor of computer software and hardware. He co-founded and co-chairs the C100, a network of top Canadian technology leaders dedicated to supporting Canadian entrepreneurs. Anthony served as a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy. He is a founding member of the Full Circle Fund, a venture philanthropy group based in San Francisco.

Anthony received his MBA from Stanford University and earned a BA in Politics and Economics from Princeton University.


Number of Current Jobs
Anthony Lee has 2 current jobs including Advisor at Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation , Board Member at Roblox and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation Advisor Jan 1, 2016 Detail
Roblox Board Member Jan 1, 2008 Detail