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Bob Gourley



Bob Gourley is the co-founder of OODA LLC, the publisher of OODAloop.com and CTOvision.com

Bob’s first career was as a naval intelligence officer, which included operational tours in Europe and Asia. Bob was the first Director of Intelligence (J2) at DoD’s cyber defense organization JTF-CND. Following retirement from the Navy, Bob was an executive with TRW and Northrop Grumman, and then returned to government service as the CTO of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

Bob was named one of the top 25 most influential CTOs in the globe by Infoworld. He was selected for AFCEAs award for meritorious service to the intelligence community, and was named by Washingtonian as one of DC’s “Tech Titans.” Bob’s most recent book, The Cyber Threat, provides business executives with actionable insights into the threat landscape.


Number of Current Jobs
Bob Gourley has 1 current jobs including Advisor at Recorded Future , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Recorded Future Advisor Jan 1, 2013 Detail