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Craig Ehrlich

Investment Partner


Investor Type
Investment Partner

Craig Edward Ehrlich is an independent non-executive director of Bharti Airtel. Craig Ehrlich is the former long time chairman of the GSMA, the global trade association representing more than 700 second and third generation network operators and over 180 manufacturers and suppliers. He is also chairman of Carmel Ventures Asia, a leading venture capital company.

In the Philippines, Craig is vice chairman of publicly listed ISM and board member of publicly listed Philweb, the country's leading gaming company. He recently retired as chairman of Taiwan's largest cable television company, kbro, which was sold in December 2010. The company was primarily owned by the Carlyle Group.

Craig is also the Chairman of Novare Technologies Ltd., an onshoring and outsourcing software development company based in Hong Kong and serving clients throughout the world.

Craig has been involved in Hong Kong's communications industry since he first settled in Hong Kong in 1987. He joined Hutchison Cablevision as managing director in October 1987 and was a founding member of the team that launched STAR TV, Asia's first satellite delivered multi-channel television network. After four years with Hutchison Whampoa, Mr. Ehrlich became the Group Operations Director at Hutchison Telecommunications and was responsible for the company's operations in 10 countries.

In 1993 he left the Hutchison group and established companies involved in the introduction of cable television and paging services. He sold these companies in September 1996 and started Hong Kong mobile operator SUNDAY Communications Ltd. in November 1996.

He was formerly a board member of ECI (NASDAQ) Hutchison Telecom Group, Roamware and ITU Telecom. Craig is also a member of UCLA/Peking University Joint Research institute Advisory Committee and a founding chairman of the Centre for Global Management at the UCLA Anderson School.

Craig holds a B.A. degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, a Masters degree from Occidental College and a postgraduate fellowship with the Coro Foundation.


Number of Current Jobs
Craig Ehrlich has 1 current jobs including Member of the Board of Directors at Airtel , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Airtel Member of the Board of Directors Jan 1, 2009 Detail