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Daniela Perdomo



Daniela Perdomo is founder and CEO of goTenna, which is advancing universal access to connectivity by decentralizing it. goTenna's mesh networks are used by consumers as well as the U.N., Google, FEMA, Raytheon, the French Army, US Special Operations Forces & the City of New York. Daniela Perdomo is founder & CEO of goTenna, which is advancing universal access to connectivity by decentralizing it. goTenna's specialized hardware pairs with regular smartphones to create long-range, mobile mesh networks independent of traditional communications networks. goTenna's technology is used by consumers as well as the United Nations, Google, FEMA, Raytheon, the French Army, US Special Operations Forces, and the City of New York.


Number of Current Jobs
Daniela Perdomo has 2 current jobs including Co-founder at goTenna , Chair of the Board at goTenna and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
goTenna Co-founder Nov 1, 2012 Detail
goTenna Chair of the Board Detail