휴대전화 사용이 금지된 미국의 교도소에서 SBF는 어떻게 트위터를 업데이트할까?

Heidi Perry



I believe in changing writing proficiency for all student in the US. 20 years of experience driving results in quickly-evolving social or collaboration-based products, across edtech, consumer internet, mobile and gaming. Spent 4 years building instructional reading experiences that change how students read & think, as VP Product at Subtext and then as General PM of Reading at Renaissance Learning. Now working at Writable, a guided writing practice program for K12 schools. (www.writable.com)


Number of Current Jobs
Heidi Perry has 1 current jobs including Co-founder at Writable , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Writable Co-founder Feb 1, 2016 Detail