휴대전화 사용이 금지된 미국의 교도소에서 SBF는 어떻게 트위터를 업데이트할까?

Keisuke Kasagi



Born in 1986, from Hokkaido. Graduated from Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance. While studying at graduate school, started a scholarship rice project in Fukushima and Niigata, where scholarship money was replaced with rice. Joined umari in March 2011 and was in charge of corporate promotion and local government in the Social Design Division. From April 2014, he travels around the country at Gurunavi Co., Ltd. in charge of excavating the food and tourism industry and building relationships with local governments. In November 2015, he joined Agri Holdings Co., Ltd. to create a value chain from agricultural production to exit. Mainly in charge of market creation.


Number of Current Jobs
Keisuke Kasagi has 1 current jobs including Director at Agri Holdings , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Agri Holdings Director Detail