휴대전화 사용이 금지된 미국의 교도소에서 SBF는 어떻게 트위터를 업데이트할까?

Manfred Plan



Manfred Plan is the Senior Member of Technical Staff of Process Engineering at Micron Technology.

Manfred Plan received a diploma in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Munich (Munich, Germany) in 1987. In 1988, he joined Siemens AG, received admission to a trainee program (Siemens Graduate Program), and worked in different product development divisions (Berkeley, California USA and Villach, Austria). From 1990 until 1998, he was active in chip and memory design for the Consumer Development division and until 2000 in microprocessor design for the Chipcard Development division at Siemens/ Infineon AG. In 2000, he moved to the Memory Product Development division at Infineon/Qimonda AG where he worked on embedded DRAM, RLDRAM, and GDDR5 until 2009, and he then joined Elpida (now Micron Technology, Inc.). Mr. Plan is a member of FEANI, co-author of several publications, and holds some national patents as well as one U.S. patent.


Number of Current Jobs
Manfred Plan has 1 current jobs including Senior Member of Technical Staff, Process Engineering at Micron Technology , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Micron Technology Senior Member of Technical Staff, Process Engineering Detail